Lead Sentences
- Who — Rufus N. Hebernowald, an air force major
- What — 15 cars were destroyed in the northern parking lot
- When — 12 Thursday
- Where — Super Shopping Mall Northern parking lot, western edge of town, Rufus was stationed in little rock air-force base
- How — jet aircraft he was piloting crashed
Lead : Fifteen cars were destroyed in a plane crash over the Super Shopping Mall parking lot noon Thursday, the pilot was also killed during the accident.
Second Paragraph : Rufus N. Hebernowald was killed after crashing into a mall parking lot.
In class work
- Who —Assistant Superintendent Max Hoemmeldorfer,
- What — enrollment dropping, third consecutive year, drop by 200 students
- When — Thursday
- Where — Hattiesburg School Board of Education meeting
- Why — ?
- How — ?
Lead : A bleak future is on the horizon for the Hattiesburg school district as enrollment has declined by 200 students for the third year in a row.
Second Paragraph : The Board of Education announced the consecutive decline in enrollment at their Thursday meeting.
- John Dumont and George Johnson
- Plane crash during takeoff, killing 5 people, professors escaped injury
- Thursday night
- Kennedy International Airport
- ?
Lead : Five people were killed in a takeoff crash at the Kennedy International Airport Thursday evening, two professors from Blackwater State University were aboard the plane but escaped injury.
Second Statement : Professors John Dumont and George Johnson were returning from conferences in New York City.
- Norman Meeman
- Spoke to an audience of 67 English students
- 4:30 P.M., Sunday
- Room 111, William Oxley Thomson Memorial Library
- Won Pulitzer Prize
Lead : Pulitzer Prize winner and well known author spoke to 67 English students Sunday, about the keys to becoming a great writer and the “hogwash” of collegiate writing.
Second Statement : Norman Meeman, Pulitzer Prize winner, spoke to college students at the William Oxley Thomson Memorial Library.
- Clement Crabtree and 32 others
- Announcement of George Washington Honor Medal winners
- Last week
- Ceremony in Pennsylvania
- “Plan for Peace” which he urged distribution of free packets of red, white and blue flowers.
Lead : A professor of horticulture and 32 others received the Freedoms Foundation George Washington Honor Medal last week at a beautiful ceremony in Pennsylvania.
Second Statement : Clement Crabtree was one of the 32 individuals who received the honor medal for his essay on a “Plan for Peace”.